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Got the Xbox 360 one red light error? This error is also known as the E74 error, and it’s mostly caused due to overheating problems. So now you know this, you’ll be able to fix this easily right? Well, not really!

In fact, this repair might be a hard to do, and for that reasons lots of people will tell you to send your console over to Microsoft, and let them repair the Xbox 360 one red light error. But, is this really the best option that you’ve got and are there other options?

Xbox 360 One Red Light Fix By Microsoft?

When you send your troubleshooting console over to Microsoft for repairs, you’ll have to keep in your mind that this is not a free service. It costs you $150 but, this is only necessary if your warranty has been expired. Also, you will have to wait for weeks. You’ll have to count on at least a 3 week waiting time, and this could go up easily to 5-6 weeks!

Xbox 360 One Red Light Fix By Myself?

Actually, this is the best option. It’s cheap, it’s quick and it will be easy also if you use a repair guide. In fact, it’s highly recommended that you use a repair guide because it takes out all the guess work by giving you step by step instructions.

When you do this, you won’t have to pay $150 for the repairs, you only have to pay a small fraction of that for the repair guide. Also, you won’t have to wait for weeks. Mostly, the repair be done in 1 day. But I have heard stories from people who had fixed their Xbox 360 one red light error within 1 hour. You can do this too… Want to know how?

Visit: Xbox 360 Repair Guide

Xbox 360 One Red Light Fix By…?

So if you want the repair to be cheap, quick and easy, I’d recommend you to do it yourself with the use of a repair guide. This way, you’ll be able to play your favourite game again with your friend within a couple of hours… Want more tips and information about sending your console to Microsoft or fixing it yourself? Visit: Xbox 360 One Red Light Fix.
